It is the responsibility of every bidder who downloads this bid or Requests for Bids (RFP) and all associated documents to check this website for any addenda. The Town of Dudley accepts no liability to provide accommodation to bidders who submit a response based upon information obtained from its website. Bidders may not alter (manually or electronically) the bid language or any bid documents. Unauthorized modifications to the body of the bid, specifications, terms or conditions, which change the intent of this bid or RFP are prohibited and will disqualify a response.

The Town of Dudley is subject to M.G.L. Chapter 30B for bids. Depending on the amount and/or estimated cost of items or services to be purchased, the Town of Dudley may solicit quotes or go through a sealed bid/proposal process. All purchases/disposals are made in accordance with state laws and town ordinances applicable to public purchasing.


The Town of Dudley posts Initiations for Bids (IFB) and Requests for Proposals (RFP) online. Additionally, quotes and proposals may be examined and obtained at the Town Administrator’s Office between normal business hours.

Bid and proposal responses must be received by the date and time specified on the document. The town is not responsible for mail delays. All submittals will be date/time stamped and stored until the opening date. Bids and proposals will be opened pubically on the date and time specified in the document. Please note that all bids must be complete or the town has the right to reject the bid or proposal as incomplete/non-responsive.


View Bids HERE