Planning Board

 Town Meeting voted to establish the Dudley Planning Board in 1959. The Board consists of five members who are elected by the voters at the annual election in June. Members serve for rotating three-year terms. The Board generally meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, except for July, August, November, and December, when it meets on either the second or fourth Wednesday.

The Planning Board is charged with overseeing the orderly growth and development of the Town within the limits established by state law. The Board strives to impartially weigh the merits of preserving rural character and neighborhood tranquility with the need to promote new housing and economic activity. To accomplish this broad purpose, the Board has the following duties and responsibilities:

· To review definitive subdivision plans for conformance with the Board’s regulations and to oversee construction of the roads and utilities to minimize impacts on adjacent properties;

· Upon completion, to bring the subdivision streets forward for acceptance as public ways;

· To review Approval Not Required (ANR) plans for creating new lots on existing ways;

· To manage commercial and industrial developments by reviewing site plans and special permit applications for conformance with Town standards;

· To prepare a Master Plan that establishes actions and policies for Town boards and departments to achieve a long-range vision for the community;

· As Dudley’s Complete Streets Committee, to promote changes to local streets that calm traffic, enhance pedestrian and handicapped mobility, and improve road safety;

· To consider amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map that are in the Town’s long-term best interests and to make recommendations for adoption to Town Meeting.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
William Scanlan Town Planner 5089498014
Ora Finn Clerk 5089498011

Board Members

Name Title
Guy Horne Chairman
Thomas Chojnacki Clerk
David Durgin Member
Richard Clark Member
Daniel Edmiston Vice Chairman